Masekelo Secondary School WASH facility hand over

On October 3, 2024 the Flaviana Matata Foundation officially handed over a SWASH facility at Masekelo Secondary School in the Shinyanga region. The event was attended by the Regional Commissioner, Hon. Anamringi Macha, accompanied by the District Commissioner, the Municipal Director of Shinyanga, and other local government leaders.

The launch ceremony took place on the school grounds and featured a remarkable speech by FMF Board Member Wilhelmina Malima, emphasizing the importance of investing in the education sector, particularly in WASH facilities. The ceremony was also braced by the presence of FMF Executive Director, FMF staff, students, teachers, parents, guardians, media representatives, and other stakeholders.

The project impact is impacting 1,018 students, creating a healthier, safer, and more inclusive learning environment, addressing students’ sanitation needs, a dedicated MHH room, a toilet accessible for people with disabilities, an incinerator for the safe disposal of menstrual waste,handwashing station and running water supported by a Simtank, ensuring sustainable hygiene practices.



Mnamo Oktoba 3, 2024, Taasisi ya Flaviana Matata (FMF) kuptia mradi wake wa School Water And Sanitation Hygiene (SWASH) ilikabidhi rasmi vyoo katika katika Shule ya Sekondari ya Masekelo, mkoa wa Shinyanga. Tukio hilo lilihudhuriwa na Mkuu wa Mkoa, Mheshimiwa Anamringi Macha, aliyeambatana na Mkuu wa Wilaya, Mkurugenzi wa Manispaa ya Shinyanga, na viongozi wengine wa serikali za mitaa.

Sherehe ya uzinduzi ilifanyika katika viwanja vya shule na ilihusisha hotuba kutoka kwa moja ya Wajumbe wa Bodi ya taasisi, Bi. Wilhelmina Malima, ambaye alisisitiza umuhimu wa kuwekeza katika sekta ya elimu, hasa katika miundombinu bora mashuleni.

Tukio hilo pia liliudhuriwa na Mkurugenzi wa Taasisi ya Flaviana Matata, Bi. Flaviana Matata, wafanyakazi, wanafunzi, walimu, wazazi, walezi, wawakilishi wa vyombo vya habari, na wadau wengine.

Sambamba na matundu kumi na mbili ya vyoo, pia shule imejengewa chumba maalum cha kubadilishia pedi, choo cha watoto wenye ulemavu, kichomea taka, sehemu ya kunawa mikono, na maji yanayotiririka hivyo kukidhi mahitaji ya wanafunzi 1,018.

EFM – Masekelo Toilet Launch


Shinyanga RC office – Masekelo Toilet Launch